A s3 storage with flexible file format (default rds). The data format defines the data chunks
per file. The data is cached locally. This local cache can be used as local storage. For performance enhancement it
is recommended after acquiring all needed data from s3 to use the cache as local storage. See storage_local_rds()
for more Informations.
- name
name of the store
- format
data format of the store
- bucket
name in aws s3
- prefix
in aws s3
- region
aws region
- read.only
read only store. disables put, upload
name of the store
data format of the store
s3 bucket containing the store
aws region of the bucket
of the s3 object keys. see Object Key and Metadata
local root of the store
local root of all chunks
s3 root key of all chunks
local path to the rds file containing statistics of store content
s3 object key to the rds file containing statistics of store content
local path to the rds file containing the exact column types of the store content
s3 object key to the rds file containing the exact column types of the store content
local root of all meta data files
s3 root key of all meta data files
flag for read.only usage of store. Default TRUE
file extension for chunks. Default "rds"
function(file) for reading chunks from disk. Default
function(object, file) for writing chunks to disk. Default
$get(filter=NULL, ...)
get data from the store. The name of the arguments depend on the format. The filter
argument is applied to each chunk.
downloads data from s3 to the local cache. The dots arguments are used to filter the output of
list_chunks(). Only the matching rows will be downloaded.
puts the data into the store. Stops if store is read only
uploads content, meta data and all new and changed chunks to the s3 storage. For big additions to the
store the recommend way is to use a local storage to modify the cache and use this function to apply the change.
returns a tibble with the amount of data points per chunk per series
get list of all chunks in s3 and local
get meta data. If key is omitted returns all the content of all files in a named list of
tibbles, with the file name without extension as name. If key is supplied as argument only the list contains only the
specified key.
puts meta data into the store. the name of the argument is used as file name and the value as data.
returns a storage to work with the cached data like a local storage
removes all files under path from the file system if "DELETE" is supplied as
See the documentation of aws.signature for ways to provide the
necessary informations. The simplest way is to use environment variables defined in a .Renviron
file in the
root directory of a RStudio Project:
## init store, creates directory if necessary
format <- rOstluft::format_rolf()
store <- rOstluft::storage_s3_rds("s3_example", format, "rostluft", prefix = "aqmet")
#> store s3_example initialized under 'C:\Users\tom\AppData\Local/rOstluft/s3_example'
## get all data min30 for 2011 and 2012
store$get(site = "Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse", interval = "min30", year = 2011:2012)
#> # A tibble: 523,318 × 6
#> starttime site parameter interval unit value
#> <dttm> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl>
#> 1 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse CO min30 ppm 0.525
#> 2 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse Hr min30 %Hr 91.9
#> 3 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse NO2 min30 ppb 22.0
#> 4 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse NO min30 ppb 21.0
#> 5 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse NOx min30 ppb 43.0
#> 6 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse O3 min30 ppb 1.10
#> 7 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse PM10 min30 µg/m3 84.0
#> 8 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse RainDur min30 min 0
#> 9 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse SO2 min30 ppb 1.90
#> 10 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse StrGlo min30 W/m2 0.0104
#> # ℹ 523,308 more rows
## get only data for O3
store$get(year = 2011:2012, site = "Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse", interval = "min30",
filter = parameter == "O3")
#> # A tibble: 69,992 × 6
#> starttime site parameter interval unit value
#> <dttm> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl>
#> 1 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse O3 min30 ppb 1.10
#> 2 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse O3 min30 µg/m3 2.19
#> 3 2011-01-01 00:30:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse O3 min30 ppb 1.05
#> 4 2011-01-01 00:30:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse O3 min30 µg/m3 2.10
#> 5 2011-01-01 01:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse O3 min30 ppb 1.05
#> 6 2011-01-01 01:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse O3 min30 µg/m3 2.10
#> 7 2011-01-01 01:30:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse O3 min30 ppb 1.00
#> 8 2011-01-01 01:30:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse O3 min30 µg/m3 2.00
#> 9 2011-01-01 02:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse O3 min30 ppb 1.02
#> 10 2011-01-01 02:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse O3 min30 µg/m3 2.04
#> # ℹ 69,982 more rows
## get NOx data from multiple stations
store$get(site = c("Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse", "Zch_Rosengartenstrasse"), interval = "min30",
year = 2014, filter = parameter %in% c("NOx", "NO", "NO2"))
#> # A tibble: 104,547 × 6
#> starttime site parameter interval unit value
#> <dttm> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl>
#> 1 2014-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Rosengartenstrasse NO2 min30 ppb 18.6
#> 2 2014-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Rosengartenstrasse NO min30 ppb 42.8
#> 3 2014-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Rosengartenstrasse NOx min30 ppb 61.4
#> 4 2014-01-01 00:30:00 Zch_Rosengartenstrasse NO2 min30 ppb 21.3
#> 5 2014-01-01 00:30:00 Zch_Rosengartenstrasse NO min30 ppb 55.9
#> 6 2014-01-01 00:30:00 Zch_Rosengartenstrasse NOx min30 ppb 77.2
#> 7 2014-01-01 01:00:00 Zch_Rosengartenstrasse NO2 min30 ppb 28.2
#> 8 2014-01-01 01:00:00 Zch_Rosengartenstrasse NO min30 ppb 88.1
#> 9 2014-01-01 01:00:00 Zch_Rosengartenstrasse NOx min30 ppb 116.
#> 10 2014-01-01 01:30:00 Zch_Rosengartenstrasse NO2 min30 ppb 39.8
#> # ℹ 104,537 more rows
## get n data points grouped by intervall, station, parameter, year in the store
#> # A tibble: 220,692 × 6
#> year interval site parameter unit n
#> <dbl> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <int>
#> 1 2019 y1 8400_0040 NO2 µg/m3 1
#> 2 2022 y1 9658_0020 NH3 µg/m3 1
#> 3 2022 y1 8880_0030 NH3 µg/m3 1
#> 4 2022 y1 8535_0010 NH3 µg/m3 1
#> 5 2022 y1 WeF_Weid NH3 µg/m3 1
#> 6 2022 y1 Tan_NABEL NH3 µg/m3 1
#> 7 2022 y1 StE_Rödelbach NO2 µg/m3 1
#> 8 2022 y1 StE_Rödelbach NH3 µg/m3 1
#> 9 2022 y1 SNs_Wellrüti NH3 µg/m3 1
#> 10 2022 y1 Hae_Buo NH3 µg/m3 1
#> # ℹ 220,682 more rows
## get list of all chunks, show only local files
dplyr::filter(store$list_chunks(), !is.na(local.path))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 11
#> chunk_name interval site year s3.key s3.lastmodified s3.etag s3.size
#> <fs::path> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <fs::b>
#> 1 …N0cmFzc2XCuzIwMTQ min30 Zch_… 2014 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… f9e721… 808.46K
#> 2 …zdHJhc3NlwrsyMDE0 min30 Zch_… 2014 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… aa917f… 1.22M
#> 3 …zdHJhc3NlwrsyMDEx min30 Zch_… 2011 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… 9a85a2… 1.22M
#> 4 …zdHJhc3NlwrsyMDEy min30 Zch_… 2012 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… 87e441… 1.22M
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: local.path <fs::path>, local.modification_time <dttm>,
#> # local.size <fs::bytes>
## download all data for site Zch_Rosengartenstrasse before 2016
store$download(site == "Zch_Rosengartenstrasse", year < 2016)
#> list()
## now there should be 2 more local files
dplyr::filter(store$list_chunks(), !is.na(local.path))
#> # A tibble: 21 × 11
#> chunk_name interval site year s3.key s3.lastmodified s3.etag s3.size
#> <fs::path> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <fs::b>
#> 1 …0cmFzc2XCuzIwMTM d1 Zch_… 2013 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… e06ac3… 19.84K
#> 2 …0cmFzc2XCuzIwMTQ d1 Zch_… 2014 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… 583d40… 76.76K
#> 3 …0cmFzc2XCuzIwMTU d1 Zch_… 2015 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… 55ebdf… 86.04K
#> 4 …0cmFzc2XCuzIwMTM h1 Zch_… 2013 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… 6a2647… 112.38K
#> 5 …0cmFzc2XCuzIwMTQ h1 Zch_… 2014 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… f89678… 447.54K
#> 6 …0cmFzc2XCuzIwMTU h1 Zch_… 2015 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… fafb4a… 567.64K
#> 7 …RyYXNzZcK7MjAxMw h8gl Zch_… 2013 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… a7938a… 23.56K
#> 8 …RyYXNzZcK7MjAxNA h8gl Zch_… 2014 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… 2cb961… 93.14K
#> 9 …RyYXNzZcK7MjAxNQ h8gl Zch_… 2015 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… e05501… 92.2K
#> 10 …0cmFzc2XCuzIwMTM m1 Zch_… 2013 aqmet… 2023-04-26T18:… 287790… 2.08K
#> # ℹ 11 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: local.path <fs::path>, local.modification_time <dttm>,
#> # local.size <fs::bytes>
## get all meta data
#> $all
#> # A tibble: 2,345 × 12
#> site site_short site_long x y masl parameter_original parameter
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Arb_St… ARBS Arbon St… 2.75e6 1.26e6 407 Ox Ox
#> 2 Arb_St… ARBS Arbon St… 2.75e6 1.26e6 407 SO2 SO2
#> 3 Arb_St… ARBS Arbon St… 2.75e6 1.26e6 407 O3 O3
#> 4 Arb_St… ARBS Arbon St… 2.75e6 1.26e6 407 NOx NOx
#> 5 Arb_St… ARBS Arbon St… 2.75e6 1.26e6 407 NO NO
#> 6 Arb_St… ARBS Arbon St… 2.75e6 1.26e6 407 NO2 NO2
#> 7 Arb_St… ARBS Arbon St… 2.75e6 1.26e6 407 PM10 PM10
#> 8 Arb_St… ARBS Arbon St… 2.75e6 1.26e6 407 T T
#> 9 Arb_St… ARBS Arbon St… 2.75e6 1.26e6 407 Hr Hr
#> 10 Arb_St… ARBS Arbon St… 2.75e6 1.26e6 407 StrGlo StrGlo
#> # ℹ 2,335 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: unit <chr>, interval <chr>, timezone_original <chr>,
#> # source <chr>
#> $ecmwf
#> # A tibble: 96 × 14
#> site_short site site_long lon lat masl parameter_original unit
#> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 ZH_EraI Zürich - Era… NA 8.25 47.2 NA t2m K
#> 2 ZH_EraI Zürich - Era… NA 8.25 47.2 NA swvl1 m3/m3
#> 3 ZH_EraI Zürich - Era… NA 8.25 47.2 NA sp hPa
#> 4 ZH_EraI Zürich - Era… NA 8.25 47.2 NA u10 m/s
#> 5 ZH_EraI Zürich - Era… NA 8.25 47.2 NA v10 m/s
#> 6 ZH_EraI Zürich - Era… NA 8.25 47.2 NA skt K
#> 7 ZH_EraI Zürich - Era… NA 8.25 47.2 NA ishf W/m2
#> 8 ZH_EraI Zürich - Era… NA 8.25 47.2 NA tp m
#> 9 ZH_EraI Zürich - Era… NA 8.25 47.2 NA tco3 kg/m2
#> 10 ZH_EraI Zürich - Era… NA 8.25 47.2 NA sund s
#> # ℹ 86 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: interval <chr>, timezone_original <chr>, source <chr>,
#> # x <dbl>, y <dbl>, parameter <chr>
#> $ethz
#> # A tibble: 28 × 14
#> parameter_original unit site_short site_long site lon lat masl
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 p_air hPa ETHZ_CHN NA ETHZ_CHN-… 8.55 47.4 510
#> 2 T_air °C ETHZ_CHN NA ETHZ_CHN-… 8.55 47.4 510
#> 3 T_dew °C ETHZ_CHN NA ETHZ_CHN-… 8.55 47.4 510
#> 4 RH % ETHZ_CHN NA ETHZ_CHN-… 8.55 47.4 510
#> 5 illum log10lux ETHZ_CHN NA ETHZ_CHN-… 8.55 47.4 510
#> 6 rain mm ETHZ_CHN NA ETHZ_CHN-… 8.55 47.4 510
#> 7 wspd_vec m/s ETHZ_CHN NA ETHZ_CHN-… 8.55 47.4 510
#> 8 wspd_scl m/s ETHZ_CHN NA ETHZ_CHN-… 8.55 47.4 510
#> 9 wdir ° ETHZ_CHN NA ETHZ_CHN-… 8.55 47.4 510
#> 10 wspd_pk m/s ETHZ_CHN NA ETHZ_CHN-… 8.55 47.4 510
#> # ℹ 18 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: interval <chr>, timezone_original <chr>, source <chr>,
#> # x <dbl>, y <dbl>, parameter <chr>
#> $hysplit
#> # A tibble: 2 × 12
#> site_short site site_long lon lat masl parameter_original parameter
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 ZH-Kaserne-hys… ZH_K… Zürich_K… NA NA NA hysplit_cluster hysplit_…
#> 2 SG-BP-hysplit SG_B… St. Gall… NA NA NA hysplit_cluster hysplit_…
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: unit <lgl>, interval <chr>, timezone_original <chr>,
#> # source <chr>
#> $hysplit_cluster_trajectories
#> # A tibble: 1,164 × 7
#> # Groups: cluster [6]
#> cluster hour.inc default lat lon date site
#> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dttm> <fct>
#> 1 1 -96 01 January 1980 to 31… 49.3 -16.6 2000-12-20 06:08:12 SG_B…
#> 2 1 -95 01 January 1980 to 31… 49.3 -16.3 2000-12-20 06:08:12 SG_B…
#> 3 1 -94 01 January 1980 to 31… 49.2 -16.0 2000-12-20 06:08:12 SG_B…
#> 4 1 -93 01 January 1980 to 31… 49.2 -15.6 2000-12-20 06:08:12 SG_B…
#> 5 1 -92 01 January 1980 to 31… 49.1 -15.3 2000-12-20 06:08:12 SG_B…
#> 6 1 -91 01 January 1980 to 31… 49.1 -15.0 2000-12-20 06:08:12 SG_B…
#> 7 1 -90 01 January 1980 to 31… 49.0 -14.6 2000-12-20 06:08:12 SG_B…
#> 8 1 -89 01 January 1980 to 31… 49.0 -14.3 2000-12-20 06:08:12 SG_B…
#> 9 1 -88 01 January 1980 to 31… 48.9 -14.0 2000-12-20 06:08:12 SG_B…
#> 10 1 -87 01 January 1980 to 31… 48.9 -13.6 2000-12-20 06:08:12 SG_B…
#> # ℹ 1,154 more rows
#> $meteoschweiz
#> # A tibble: 279 × 15
#> site_short site Länge Breite x y masl parameter_original source
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 TAE Aadorf… 8°54' 47°29' 2.71e6 1.26e6 539 tre200s0 Meteo…
#> 2 TAE Aadorf… 8°54' 47°29' 2.71e6 1.26e6 539 ure200s0 Meteo…
#> 3 TAE Aadorf… 8°54' 47°29' 2.71e6 1.26e6 539 prestas0 Meteo…
#> 4 TAE Aadorf… 8°54' 47°29' 2.71e6 1.26e6 539 prestas0 Meteo…
#> 5 TAE Aadorf… 8°54' 47°29' 2.71e6 1.26e6 539 fkl010z1 Meteo…
#> 6 TAE Aadorf… 8°54' 47°29' 2.71e6 1.26e6 539 fkl010z0 Meteo…
#> 7 TAE Aadorf… 8°54' 47°29' 2.71e6 1.26e6 539 dkl010z0 Meteo…
#> 8 TAE Aadorf… 8°54' 47°29' 2.71e6 1.26e6 539 sre000z0 Meteo…
#> 9 TAE Aadorf… 8°54' 47°29' 2.71e6 1.26e6 539 sre000z0 Meteo…
#> 10 TAE Aadorf… 8°54' 47°29' 2.71e6 1.26e6 539 gre000z0 Meteo…
#> # ℹ 269 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: unit <chr>, Beschreibung <chr>, timezone_original <chr>,
#> # site_long <lgl>, interval <chr>, parameter <chr>
#> $meteotest
#> # A tibble: 2 × 12
#> site_short site_long site lon lat masl parameter_original parameter
#> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <lgl> <lgl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 SMA_23m NA Zürich - … NA NA 581 ta1tows0 T
#> 2 ZUEberg NA Zürich - … NA NA 729 ta1tows0 T
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: unit <chr>, interval <chr>, timezone_original <chr>,
#> # source <chr>
#> $nabel
#> # A tibble: 12,348 × 39
#> source mspbJahr msID site site_short msNameKurz site_long msKT msOrt
#> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 NABEL 1991 1084 Zürich-Kas… NA Zürich-Ka… Zürich-K… ZH Züri…
#> 2 NABEL 1991 1084 Zürich-Kas… NA Zürich-Ka… Zürich-K… ZH Züri…
#> 3 NABEL 1991 1084 Zürich-Kas… NA Zürich-Ka… Zürich-K… ZH Züri…
#> 4 NABEL 1991 1084 Zürich-Kas… NA Zürich-Ka… Zürich-K… ZH Züri…
#> 5 NABEL 1991 1084 Zürich-Kas… NA Zürich-Ka… Zürich-K… ZH Züri…
#> 6 NABEL 1991 1084 Zürich-Kas… NA Zürich-Ka… Zürich-K… ZH Züri…
#> 7 NABEL 1991 1084 Zürich-Kas… NA Zürich-Ka… Zürich-K… ZH Züri…
#> 8 NABEL 1991 1084 Zürich-Kas… NA Zürich-Ka… Zürich-K… ZH Züri…
#> 9 NABEL 1991 1084 Zürich-Kas… NA Zürich-Ka… Zürich-K… ZH Züri…
#> 10 NABEL 1991 1084 Zürich-Kas… NA Zürich-Ka… Zürich-K… ZH Züri…
#> # ℹ 12,338 more rows
#> # ℹ 30 more variables: msOrtsteil <chr>, x <int>, y <int>, masl <int>,
#> # mmID <int>, ssID <int>, mmKurz <chr>, mspbPublic <lgl>, mspbWeb <lgl>,
#> # mspbBafu <lgl>, scBisDatum <dttm>, scDTV <chr>, scDTVJahr <chr>,
#> # scLKWProzent <int>, scStrassenabstand <int>, scEinwohner <int>,
#> # scEinwohnerJahr <chr>, scEinDatum <dttm>, scBezugJahr <int>,
#> # scVerkehrslage <chr>, scSiedlungsgroesse <chr>, …
#> $ostluft
#> # A tibble: 35,093 × 39
#> source mspbJahr msID site site_short msNameKurz site_long msKT msOrt
#> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 OSTLUFT 2001 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 2 OSTLUFT 2003 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 3 OSTLUFT 1990 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 4 OSTLUFT 1991 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 5 OSTLUFT 1992 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 6 OSTLUFT 1993 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 7 OSTLUFT 1994 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 8 OSTLUFT 1995 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 9 OSTLUFT 1996 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 10 OSTLUFT 1997 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> # ℹ 35,083 more rows
#> # ℹ 30 more variables: msOrtsteil <chr>, x <int>, y <int>, masl <int>,
#> # mmID <int>, ssID <int>, mmKurz <chr>, parameter_original <chr>,
#> # mspbPublic <lgl>, mspbWeb <lgl>, mspbBafu <lgl>, scBisDatum <dttm>,
#> # scDTV <chr>, scDTVJahr <chr>, scLKWProzent <int>, scStrassenabstand <int>,
#> # scEinwohner <int>, scEinwohnerJahr <chr>, scEinDatum <dttm>,
#> # scBezugJahr <int>, scVerkehrslage <chr>, scSiedlungsgroesse <chr>, …
#> $seepolizei
#> # A tibble: 30 × 14
#> parameter_original unit site_short site_long site lon lat masl
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 air_temperature °C mythenquai NA ZH_Myth… 8.54 47.4 407
#> 2 water_temperature °C mythenquai NA ZH_Myth… 8.54 47.4 407
#> 3 wind_gust_max_10min m/s mythenquai NA ZH_Myth… 8.54 47.4 407
#> 4 wind_speed_avg_10min m/s mythenquai NA ZH_Myth… 8.54 47.4 407
#> 5 wind_force_avg_10min bft mythenquai NA ZH_Myth… 8.54 47.4 407
#> 6 wind_direction ° mythenquai NA ZH_Myth… 8.54 47.4 407
#> 7 windchill °C mythenquai NA ZH_Myth… 8.54 47.4 407
#> 8 barometric_pressure_qfe hPa mythenquai NA ZH_Myth… 8.54 47.4 407
#> 9 precipitation mm mythenquai NA ZH_Myth… 8.54 47.4 407
#> 10 dew_point °C mythenquai NA ZH_Myth… 8.54 47.4 407
#> # ℹ 20 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: interval <chr>, timezone_original <chr>, source <chr>,
#> # x <dbl>, y <dbl>, parameter <chr>
## or a specific meta file
#> $ostluft
#> # A tibble: 35,093 × 39
#> source mspbJahr msID site site_short msNameKurz site_long msKT msOrt
#> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 OSTLUFT 2001 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 2 OSTLUFT 2003 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 3 OSTLUFT 1990 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 4 OSTLUFT 1991 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 5 OSTLUFT 1992 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 6 OSTLUFT 1993 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 7 OSTLUFT 1994 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 8 OSTLUFT 1995 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 9 OSTLUFT 1996 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> 10 OSTLUFT 1997 1 Arb_Stadt… ARBS Arbon Sta… Arbon St… TG Arbon
#> # ℹ 35,083 more rows
#> # ℹ 30 more variables: msOrtsteil <chr>, x <int>, y <int>, masl <int>,
#> # mmID <int>, ssID <int>, mmKurz <chr>, parameter_original <chr>,
#> # mspbPublic <lgl>, mspbWeb <lgl>, mspbBafu <lgl>, scBisDatum <dttm>,
#> # scDTV <chr>, scDTVJahr <chr>, scLKWProzent <int>, scStrassenabstand <int>,
#> # scEinwohner <int>, scEinwohnerJahr <chr>, scEinDatum <dttm>,
#> # scBezugJahr <int>, scVerkehrslage <chr>, scSiedlungsgroesse <chr>, …
## get the cache as local storage
local <- store$get_local_storage()
#> # A tibble: 21 × 7
#> chunk_name interval site year local.path local.modification_t…¹ local.size
#> <fs::path> <chr> <chr> <chr> <fs::path> <dttm> <fs::byte>
#> 1 …2XCuzIwMTM d1 Zch_… 2013 …IwMTM.rds 2023-12-25 16:12:02 19.84K
#> 2 …2XCuzIwMTQ d1 Zch_… 2014 …IwMTQ.rds 2023-12-25 16:12:02 76.76K
#> 3 …2XCuzIwMTU d1 Zch_… 2015 …IwMTU.rds 2023-12-25 16:12:03 86.04K
#> 4 …2XCuzIwMTM h1 Zch_… 2013 …IwMTM.rds 2023-12-25 16:12:03 112.38K
#> 5 …2XCuzIwMTQ h1 Zch_… 2014 …IwMTQ.rds 2023-12-25 16:12:03 447.54K
#> 6 …2XCuzIwMTU h1 Zch_… 2015 …IwMTU.rds 2023-12-25 16:12:03 567.64K
#> 7 …ZcK7MjAxMw h8gl Zch_… 2013 …jAxMw.rds 2023-12-25 16:12:03 23.56K
#> 8 …ZcK7MjAxNA h8gl Zch_… 2014 …jAxNA.rds 2023-12-25 16:12:03 93.14K
#> 9 …ZcK7MjAxNQ h8gl Zch_… 2015 …jAxNQ.rds 2023-12-25 16:12:03 92.2K
#> 10 …2XCuzIwMTM m1 Zch_… 2013 …IwMTM.rds 2023-12-25 16:12:03 2.08K
#> # ℹ 11 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹local.modification_time
## get cached data
local$get(site = "Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse", interval = "min30", year = 2011:2012)
#> # A tibble: 523,318 × 6
#> starttime site parameter interval unit value
#> <dttm> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl>
#> 1 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse CO min30 ppm 0.525
#> 2 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse Hr min30 %Hr 91.9
#> 3 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse NO2 min30 ppb 22.0
#> 4 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse NO min30 ppb 21.0
#> 5 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse NOx min30 ppb 43.0
#> 6 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse O3 min30 ppb 1.10
#> 7 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse PM10 min30 µg/m3 84.0
#> 8 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse RainDur min30 min 0
#> 9 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse SO2 min30 ppb 1.90
#> 10 2011-01-01 00:00:00 Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse StrGlo min30 W/m2 0.0104
#> # ℹ 523,308 more rows
## destroy store (careful removes all files on the disk)
store$read.only = FALSE
#> Cache for Store s3_example destroyed
## No examples for write operations