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Input data should be original unbinned data including wind direction and wind velocity; binning is done 2-dimensional over cartesian u and v wind vectors


  groupings = grp(),
  fun = "mean",
  fun.args = list(),
  nmin = 3,
  ws_max = NA,
  bins = 10^2,
  smooth = TRUE,
  k = 100,
  extrapolate = TRUE,
  dist = 0.1



a data.frame or tibble containing the data (wide format). requires input data including at least three columns carrying information regarding:

  • wind direction (in °)

  • wind velocity

  • z-values (e.g. air pollutant concentration)


symbol giving the wind velocity parameter name (wind velocity preferably in m/s)


symbol giving the wind direction parameter name in degrees


symbol giving the parameter name to be summarised


additional groupings. Use helper grp() to create


function or list of functions for summary.


a list of extra arguments to pass to fun.


numeric, minimum number of values for fun, if n < nmin: NA is returned


numeric or Inf, maximum wind velocity for binning: above ws_max, z is set NA


numeric, number of bins over the range of values if !groups %in% c("u", "v")


TRUE/FALSE, applies if groups = c("u", "v"); should smoothing of summary results should be performed using fit_gam_surface()?


numeric, applies if smooth = TRUE; degree of smoothing in smooth term in fit_gam_surface()


TRUE/FALSE, applies if smooth = TRUE; fit_gam_surface() returns extrapolated (predicted) values for u, v coordinates that otherwise would have have NA for summarised z if extrapolate = TRUE, those values are returned (to a certain degree depending on the value of dist)


numeric, fraction of 1, applies if smooth = TRUE and extrapolate = TRUE; maximum distance to next coordinate-pair at which the result of fit_gam_surface(z) should be returned


a tibble with summarised data along u and v wind vectors

Computed variables

  • a tibble is returned, binned over u and v, with variables:

  • wd: wind direction corresponding to midpoint value of u and v

  • ws: wind velocity corresponding to midpoint value of u and v

  • u: midpoints of bins over u (from input wd and ws)

  • v: midpoints of bins over v (from input wd and ws)

  • z: result from fun(z, ...)


fn <-"Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse_2010-2014.csv")
data <- rOstluft::read_airmo_csv(fn)
data <- rOstluft::rolf_to_openair(data)

# summary NO2
summary_wind_2d(data, ws, wd, NOx, smooth = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 8
#>        u      v stat      n      freq   NOx    wd    ws
#>    <dbl>  <dbl> <chr> <int>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 -8.12 -8.12  mean      0 0         NA     45   11.5 
#>  2 -8.12 -6.32  mean      0 0         NA     52.1 10.3 
#>  3 -8.12 -4.51  mean     12 0.000138   6.08  60.9  9.29
#>  4 -8.12 -2.71  mean     18 0.000207   6.27  71.6  8.56
#>  5 -8.12 -0.903 mean      3 0.0000345  6.82  83.7  8.17
#>  6 -8.12  0.903 mean      0 0         NA     96.3  8.17
#>  7 -8.12  2.71  mean      0 0         NA    108.   8.56
#>  8 -8.12  4.51  mean      0 0         NA    119.   9.29
#>  9 -8.12  6.32  mean      0 0         NA    128.  10.3 
#> 10 -8.12  8.12  mean      0 0         NA    135   11.5 
#> # ℹ 90 more rows

# multiple stats: Pass function, by name, reference, as function or one sided formula
funs <- list(
  "median" = function(x) median(x, na.rm = TRUE),
  "q95" = ~ stats::quantile(., probs = 0.95)

summary_wind_2d(data, ws, wd, NOx, fun = funs, smooth = FALSE)
#> Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables; they will be dropped
#> # A tibble: 300 × 8
#>        u     v stat       n     freq   NOx    wd    ws
#>    <dbl> <dbl> <chr>  <int>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 -8.12 -8.12 mean       0 0        NA     45   11.5 
#>  2 -8.12 -8.12 median     0 0        NA     45   11.5 
#>  3 -8.12 -8.12 q95        0 0        NA     45   11.5 
#>  4 -8.12 -6.32 mean       0 0        NA     52.1 10.3 
#>  5 -8.12 -6.32 median     0 0        NA     52.1 10.3 
#>  6 -8.12 -6.32 q95        0 0        NA     52.1 10.3 
#>  7 -8.12 -4.51 mean      12 0.000138  6.08  60.9  9.29
#>  8 -8.12 -4.51 median    12 0.000138  5.63  60.9  9.29
#>  9 -8.12 -4.51 q95       12 0.000138  8.23  60.9  9.29
#> 10 -8.12 -2.71 mean      18 0.000207  6.27  71.6  8.56
#> # ℹ 290 more rows

# is for some reason fun.args used with multiple functions, use ... to catch
# superfluous arguments:
funs <- list(
  "q95" = function(x, ...) stats::quantile(x, probs = 0.95),

summary_wind_2d(data, ws, wd, NOx, fun = funs, fun.args = list(na.rm = TRUE),
                smooth = FALSE)
#> Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables; they will be dropped
#> # A tibble: 200 × 8
#>        u      v stat      n      freq   NOx    wd    ws
#>    <dbl>  <dbl> <chr> <int>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 -8.12 -8.12  mean      0 0         NA     45   11.5 
#>  2 -8.12 -8.12  q95       0 0         NA     45   11.5 
#>  3 -8.12 -6.32  mean      0 0         NA     52.1 10.3 
#>  4 -8.12 -6.32  q95       0 0         NA     52.1 10.3 
#>  5 -8.12 -4.51  mean     12 0.000138   6.08  60.9  9.29
#>  6 -8.12 -4.51  q95      12 0.000138   8.23  60.9  9.29
#>  7 -8.12 -2.71  mean     18 0.000207   6.27  71.6  8.56
#>  8 -8.12 -2.71  q95      18 0.000207  10.4   71.6  8.56
#>  9 -8.12 -0.903 mean      3 0.0000345  6.82  83.7  8.17
#> 10 -8.12 -0.903 q95       3 0.0000345  8.83  83.7  8.17
#> # ℹ 190 more rows

# additional groupings
summary_wind_2d(data, ws, wd, NOx, groupings = grp(site), smooth = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 9
#>        u      v stat  site                        n      freq   NOx    wd    ws
#>    <dbl>  <dbl> <chr> <fct>                   <int>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 -8.12 -8.12  mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse     0 0         NA     45   11.5 
#>  2 -8.12 -6.32  mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse     0 0         NA     52.1 10.3 
#>  3 -8.12 -4.51  mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse    12 0.000138   6.08  60.9  9.29
#>  4 -8.12 -2.71  mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse    18 0.000207   6.27  71.6  8.56
#>  5 -8.12 -0.903 mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse     3 0.0000345  6.82  83.7  8.17
#>  6 -8.12  0.903 mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse     0 0         NA     96.3  8.17
#>  7 -8.12  2.71  mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse     0 0         NA    108.   8.56
#>  8 -8.12  4.51  mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse     0 0         NA    119.   9.29
#>  9 -8.12  6.32  mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse     0 0         NA    128.  10.3 
#> 10 -8.12  8.12  mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse     0 0         NA    135   11.5 
#> # ℹ 90 more rows

# we can use expressions in grp For better readability groupings is
# defined outside of the function call
groupings = grp("site", year = lubridate::year(date))

summary_wind_2d(data, ws, wd, NOx, groupings = groupings, smooth = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 500 × 10
#>        u     v stat  site                     year     n  freq   NOx    wd    ws
#>    <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <fct>                   <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 -8.12 -8.12 mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse  2010     0     0    NA  45    11.5
#>  2 -8.12 -8.12 mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse  2011     0     0    NA  45    11.5
#>  3 -8.12 -8.12 mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse  2012     0     0    NA  45    11.5
#>  4 -8.12 -8.12 mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse  2013     0     0    NA  45    11.5
#>  5 -8.12 -8.12 mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse  2014     0     0    NA  45    11.5
#>  6 -8.12 -6.32 mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse  2010     0     0    NA  52.1  10.3
#>  7 -8.12 -6.32 mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse  2011     0     0    NA  52.1  10.3
#>  8 -8.12 -6.32 mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse  2012     0     0    NA  52.1  10.3
#>  9 -8.12 -6.32 mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse  2013     0     0    NA  52.1  10.3
#> 10 -8.12 -6.32 mean  Zch_Stampfenbachstrasse  2014     0     0    NA  52.1  10.3
#> # ℹ 490 more rows

# smoothing
df1 <- summary_wind_2d(data, ws, wd, NOx, bins = 100^2, smooth = FALSE)
df2 <- summary_wind_2d(data, ws, wd, NOx, bins = 100^2, extrapolate = FALSE)
df3 <- summary_wind_2d(data, ws, wd, NOx, bins = 100^2, smooth = TRUE)

df <- dplyr::bind_rows(
  "smooth = F" = df1,
  "smooth = T, extrapolate = F" = df2,
  "smooth = T, extrapolate = T" = df3,
  .id = "smoothing"

ggplot(df, aes(x = u, y = v, fill = NOx)) +
  coord_fixed(expand = FALSE) +
  lims(x = c(-7.5, 7.5), y = c(-7.5, 7.5)) +
  geom_raster() +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = NA) +
  facet_wrap(vars(smoothing), ncol = 2)
#> Warning: Removed 23382 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_raster()`).

# for a small number of bins reduce k
summary_wind_2d(data, ws, wd, NO2, bins = 5^2, smooth = TRUE, k = 5)
#> # A tibble: 25 × 8
#>    stat      u     v     n      freq   NO2    wd    ws
#>    <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 mean  -7.22 -7.22     0 0         NA     45   10.2 
#>  2 mean  -7.22 -3.61   211 0.00243    8.90  63.4  8.07
#>  3 mean  -7.22  0       26 0.000299  10.0   90    7.22
#>  4 mean  -7.22  3.61     4 0.0000461  9.19 117.   8.07
#>  5 mean  -7.22  7.22     0 0         NA    135   10.2 
#>  6 mean  -3.61 -7.22     7 0.0000806 10.8   26.6  8.07
#>  7 mean  -3.61 -3.61  1858 0.0214    17.2   45    5.11
#>  8 mean  -3.61  0     8147 0.0938    20.0   90    3.61
#>  9 mean  -3.61  3.61   186 0.00214   18.5  135    5.11
#> 10 mean  -3.61  7.22     0 0         NA    153.   8.07
#> # ℹ 15 more rows